Random Blog #1 (go back »)

January 25 2009, 3:38 AM

Hai haiii! ^^ My name is Harley, but sometime people call me Haruki-san :DDD

I'm a miserable human being, lolz. My exsistence being a waste of time, space, and effort.

O_O; lol, sorry sorry, that second line was from my emo side...it likes to come out and play too....o_o....But don't worry!!!! It doesn't usually tend to stick around, unless people are being mean, or for other random reasons =__=; lolz

Haaaahhhh....I like Yaoi. What can I say? it's effing awesome OwO like whoever was genius enough to come up with BL in Japan, I worship them as if they were a god/goddess x'D It's what keeps me going!!!!!!!!!!! rofl...umm....anywhoooo....I'm going to go and mess around online. See if I can't find any good anime to watch...lol, or maybe PORN.....haha, fooled ya, just kidding x3

Bai bai!


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